3. Construction and Civil Management 

The supervision of port construction, urban planning, construction or renovation from the initiative to transfer to the client.
A brief overview of our program:
Accompany the brief; Advising grouping; Select Market Supervising development process, New Construction and Renovation, Planning application, building design concept, Construction Cost Management, Drafting budget from global to detail, preparation and audit planning, Engineering, Detailing, Drafting specifications and drawings; Selection project participants; Organization of procurement and contracting, quality assurance, safety and health, Monitoring, project management, organizational removal process, maintenance and management advice; Completion of Management, Facility Management Consultancy.
Key project issues include: electrical, mechanical, IT, architectural, civil, security, building and environment-related activities.
M7M works with modeled reports, processes and systems based on BS EN ISO 9001. We work according to relevant standards and guidelines.

3. Civil Projects

3.1 Rotterdam-Port Design by Boskalis Hydronamic Werkendam Netherlands
3.2 Bejaya-Port constructions, Algeria by Boskalis. Dredging, city drainage
      quay-wall construction, building construction, engineering, etc.
3.3 Rhone River dredging project by BAM Prince of Vines.
      Dredging project on behalf of a hydro power plant on the Rhone in France
3.4 Computer programmer water level and flow systems on the Rhine in the
3.5 Robot-deployment research in civil projects.
3.6 Survey of integrated engineering and construction technics.
3.7 Research on the application of coatings on concrete slab Seawall
3.8 Implementing Success factors in integrated civil and building techniques.