Introduction M7M Management

What do we do?
M7M provides a comprehensive and complementary program of real estate.
M7M is a company composed of experienced process managers, development managers and project managers experienced in complex multidisciplinary projects.
Why M7M?
With projects becoming more parties involved and the projects are increasingly complex. M7M reviewing all options, create collaboration, provides comprehensive communications and integrates the technology.
M7M provides management for the whole and the parts.
We keep your project organized and manageable.
M7M can draw on experienced project managers and process managers, professional and enthusiastic, at least twenty years project experience.

Assumption is that there are always changes.
M7M brings immediate advantages, disadvantages and options with respect to the method, schedule and budget identified.
This has been able M7M rapid decision making and changes smoothly in an ongoing process to incorporate change.
M7M coordinates and supervises the parties who are independent of each other but need each other.
Adaptations of city living and working environment always go hand in hand with change. We are well versed in the local market, know the people and know what to buy.
Success factors:
All communications, knowledge and experience with one person for clear, manageable and effective collaboration. We deliver quality through cooperation.
Commercial real estate, commercial properties, Area Development.
Housing Scope:
Urbanism, Malls, Offices, Residential, Event Centers, Water parks, Stadiums, Care centers and leisure centers.